Archives of Articles

Blake Schmidt recently published an interesting article in IPLS Proceedings

Blake Schmidt recently published an interesting article in IPLS Proceedings published by the State Bar of Michigan.  Blake explained an important rule change proposed by the USPTO that, if implemented, would render patents tied together by a terminal disclaimer unenforceable in some situations.  This publication, Volume 35, Issue 1, may be viewed at the State […]

Scott Hogan contributed an Expert Analysis Chapter

Scott Hogan contributed an Expert Analysis Chapter to the 12th Edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide: Patents 2020, published by Global Legal Group Ltd. The chapter is entitled ‘The Ascension of the Abstract Idea Exception’ and takes the reader on a journey back in time to explore the origins of the abstract idea exception […]

An article written by Colin Cicotte published in IP issue of the Michigan Bar Journal

The State Bar of Michigan recently published an article written by Colin Cicotte titled “What is Eligible to be Patented?” in the IP issue of the Michigan Bar Journal. The article details the history and current state of patent subject matter eligibility as the patent system and courts wrestle with new forms of technological innovation.

Scott Hogan and James Stevens Jr. collaborated to write a chapter

Scott Hogan and James Stevens Jr. collaborated to write a chapter for publication in the IAM Innovation & Invention Yearbook 2021. Their chapter, entitled “Functional claiming in the aftermath of Williamson,” examines the latest developments in means-plus-function claim interpretation at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Corey M. Beaubien authored a chapter

Corey M. Beaubien authored a chapter in The International Comparative Legal Guide to Patents 2020, 10th edition, released in the fall. Corey M. Beaubien authored a chapter in The International Comparative Legal Guide to Patents 2020, 10th edition, released in the fall. Corey M. Beaubien authored a chapter in The International Comparative Legal Guide to […]

Scott Hogan asks readers, “Can We Just Be Reasonable?”

Scott Hogan contributed a chapter to The International Comparative Legal Guide to Patents 2019, 9th edition. The chapter is entitled Can We Just Be Reasonable? and explores the Broadest Reasonable Interpretation standard used by U.S. Patent Office personnel during patent examination. Scott offers the reader a guided tour of the BRI standard, explaining what it […]

Patent Confidential — On-Sale Bar and Secret Sales in America Invents Act Era

Patent Confidential — On-Sale Bar and Secret Sales in America Invents Act Era, this article first appeared in IAM Yearbook: Building IP value in the 21st century 2019, a supplement to IAM, published by Globe Business Media Group – IP Division.  To view the guide in full, please go to  October 2018.    

US design patents – no longer second chair

After a lifetime of deference to utility patents, in recent years design patents in the United States are enjoying a place of prominence. Design patent filings at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have increased sharply and design patents are finding a more important role in corporate patent portfolios. Much of the attention stems […]