
Randy has 25 years of experience as an intellectual
property attorney in all aspects of intellectual property
including: patent prosecution; due diligence investigations


Randy has 25 years of experience as an intellectual property attorney in all aspects of intellectual property including: patent prosecution; due diligence investigations; freedom to operate and design around opinions; intellectual property licensing; and trademark matters.  


Noelle Schultz  
Assistant Ext: 129
[email protected]
(248) 689-4071
View Profile


Bar Admissions
State of Michigan
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Calvin College (Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Minor in Chemistry, 1983)
Wayne State University School of Medicine (Ph.D. in Pharmacology with a minor in Biochemistry, 1990)
University of Michigan Law School (Juris Doctor, 1996)

Memberships and Associations
State Bar of Michigan
Michigan Intellectual Property Law Association
Licensing Executives Society (LES)
Publications and Presentations

Randall L. Shoemaker and Russell K. Yamazaki, "Peroxisomal Fatty acyl-CoA Oxidase is Not Regulated by Triiodothyronine," Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1044:169-172, 1990.
Randall L. Shoemaker, "Regulation of Peroxisomal Fatty Acyl-CoA Oxidase and Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase by Thyroid Hormone and Peroxisomal Proliferators" Ph.D. Thesis, 1990, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Randall L. Shoemaker and Russell K. Yamazaki, "Thyroid Hormone-Independent Regulation of Mitochondrial Glycero-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase by the Peroxisomal Proliferator Clofibric Acid," Biochemical Pharmacology, 41:652-655, 1991.
Shoemaker, R.L., Bora, G, and Kapatos, G., "Characterization of Acutely Dissociated and Cultured Neonatal Rat Olfactory Bulb Neurons" Society of Neuroscience Abstract, Vol. 17:153, 4, 1991.
Levine, R.A., Anastasiadis, P.Z., Koch, S., Shoemaker, R.L., and Kuhn, D.M., "Studies on the Second Messengers Involved in the Co-Induction of Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and Catecholomine-related Genes in Cultured PC12 Cells," 7th International Conference on Pteridines and Related Biogneic Amines, Pteridines, Vol. 5, No 1, p.35, 1994.
Levine, R.A., Anastasiadis, P.Z., Shoemaker, R.L., States, J.C., and Kuhn, D.M., "Coordinated Regulation of Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and Catecholamine-Related Rat and Human Genes," Society of Neuroscience Abstract, Vol. 20, 1994.
Shoemaker, R.L., Zhang, Z.G., Anastasiadis, P.Z., Imerman, B., Chopp, M., and Levine, R.A., "Nitric Oxide and Tetrahydrobiopterin Metabolism Following Cerebral Ischemia in the Rat," Society of Neuroscience Abstract, Vol. 20, 1994.
Anastasiadis, P.Z., Shoemaker, R.L., Imerman, B., States, J.C., Kuhn, D.M., and Levine, R.A., “The Effect of NGF and EGF on PC12 Cell Proliferation is Mediated by Intracellular Tetrahydrobiopterin”, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Vol 20, 1994.
 “In re SEAGATE”, Licensing Executives Society, Oct. 16, 2007.
Arizona Engineering Law seminar, “What Every Engineer Should Know About Intellectual Property”, Jan. 22, 2015.


    Newsletter February/March 2025

    The February/March edition of our newsletter is now available.  Here is a brief glance at what you will find in this edition: “Don’t copy that”, “When private sales don’t count as public di...
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    [email protected]